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Is Creativity Really a Mystery?

Creativity in an organization is often seen as a fuzzy, vague and unpredictable process, and for the most part this is correct.
And it is also true that the very blurry, imprecise and unpredictable offers huge potential for development and success.

Creativity is not so mysterious at all, it is actually a proces loaded with potential.
To develop a new idea and a content and idiom appropriate to the task, is to begin with a very open process, everything is possible, nothing is impossible and that is why ideas also are quite fragile. Fragile ideas can be shot down very quickly. There are many unknown factors, and you can ask critical questions, questions that simply cannot be answered because there simply are not considered yet.

On a personal level, it may be irrational, awkward and daunting process to pursue an idea, doubt arises; is the idea rational? Will it be successful? A natural nervousness occurs.

How do we transform the inhibitory feelings and doubts into an asset with enormous potential?
When it comes to developing an idea, there is no point that is more correct to start with than another. It can be a specific assignment made ​​on the basis of a recognized market needs, an implicit or explicit user request, a gap in the product portfolio, a new production machine, a new material, the possibilities are numerous. At other times, it feels as if the idea comes dumping down from a clear blue sky, that is, the idea starts with an intuition, but what is intuition?

We are moving around a world that through our senses fills us constantly with impressions, observations and information, some we are aware of, others are simply sorted out, categorized as irrelevant, a fleeing thought. But the brain has registered them! When we receive new impressions, something marvelous happens once in a while, the earlier impressions are restored and combined with the new impressions; Voila! Genius has occurred. Intuition is based on the combined observations and impressions which take on new meaning, a new context and meaning is created.

So how is results created on this intuitive, blurred and vague background?
A model that works to achieve a successful collaboration and result is to create a mutual trust, understanding and respect between the parties. There should be ample opportunity to experiment and play with ideas in a close and trusting cooperation. There should be created a solid framework with expectations, goals, milestones, budget, production, materials, distribution, market and users – also called a Design Brief.

Be confident, be inspiring, do your work, the greatest successes are still waiting for redemption, because the opportunities lay in the unknown, in new combinations of existing knowledge, and with the right structure, ideas become successes.

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